#! /usr/local/bin/pike
// stolen from cvsview_mk2~.pike, by jhs@roxen.com
// mangled by rjb@bobo.fuw.edu.pl
#pragma strict_types

string encode_c(string file)
  string result = "";
  array(Parser.C.Token) tokenized = Parser.C.tokenize(Parser.C.split(file));
  foreach(Parser.C.hide_whitespaces(tokenized), Parser.C.Token token)
      string color = 0;
      string token_text = (string)token;
	case "char":	case "long":	case "union":
	case "double":	case "short":	case "unsigned":
	case "enum":	case "signed":	case "void":
	case "float":	case "struct":
	case "int":	case "typedef":
	  color = "1"; break;

	case "{": case "}": case "(": case ")": case "[": case "]":
	  color = "2"; break;

	case "break":	case "default":	case "for":	case "return":
	case "case":	case "do":	case "goto":	case "switch":
	case "continue":case "else":	case "if":	case "while":
	  color = "3"; break;

	case "auto":	case "extern":	case "static":
	case "const":	case "register":case "volatile":
	  color = "4"; break;
	color = "5";
      else if((< "//", "/*" >)[token_text[0..1]])
	color = "6";
      else if(token_text[0]=='"' && token_text[-1]=='"')
	color = "7";

	result += sprintf("\0%s%s\1%s", color, token->text, color);
	result += token->text;
      result += token->trailing_whitespaces;
  return result;

string encode_pike(string file)
  string result = "";
  array(Parser.Pike.Token) tokenized;
  tokenized = Parser.Pike.tokenize(Parser.Pike.split(file));
  foreach(Parser.Pike.hide_whitespaces(tokenized), Parser.Pike.Token token)
      string color = 0;
      string token_text = (string)token;
	case "array":	case "function":case "multiset":case "typedef":
	case "constant":case "int":	case "object":	case "void":
	case "enum":	case "mapping":	case "program":
	case "float":	case "mixed":	case "string":
	  color = "1"; break;

	case "{": case "}": case "(": case ")": case "[": case "]":
	  color = "2"; break;

	case "break":	case "do":	case "if":	case "switch":
	case "case":	case "else":	case "inherit":	case "typeof":
	case "catch":	case "for":	case "lambda":	case "while":
	case "class":	case "foreach":	case "predef":
	case "continue":case "gauge":	case "return":
	case "default":	case "import":	case "sscanf":
	  color = "3"; break;

	case "inline":	case "private":	case "protected":
	case "nomask":	case "public":	case "static":
	  color = "4"; break;
	color = "5";
      else if((< "//", "/*" >)[token_text[0..1]])
	color = "6";
      else if(token_text[0]=='"' && token_text[-1]=='"')
	color = "7";

	result += sprintf("\0%s%s\1%s", color, token->text, color);
	result += token->text;
      result += token->trailing_whitespaces;
  return result;

string encode_colors(string file, string filename)
  if((has_suffix(filename, ".pike") ||
      has_suffix(filename, ".pmod")))	return encode_pike(file);
  if((has_suffix(filename, ".c") ||
      has_suffix(filename, ".h")))	return encode_c(file);
  error("Lack rule to colorize file "+filename+"\n");

string font(string c) { return sprintf("<font color=\"%s\">", c); }

string decode_colors(string file)
  return replace(file, ({ "\0" + 1,		"\1" + 1,
			  "\0" + 2,		"\1" + 2,
			  "\0" + 3,		"\1" + 3,
			  "\0" + 4,		"\1" + 4,
			  "\0" + 5,		"\1" + 5,
			  "\0" + 6,		"\1" + 6,
			  "\0" + 7,		"\1" + 7 }),
		 /* type */ ({ font("darkred") + "<b>",	"</b></font>",
			       /* bracket */ font("black"),		"</font>",
			       /* command */ font("darkblue"),		"</font>",
			       /* modifier*/ font("darkgreen"),	"</font>",
			       /* CPP     */ font("darkblue"),		"</font>",
			       /* comment */ font("#5555AA") + "<i>",	"</i></font>",
			       /* string  */ font("green"),		"</font>" }));

string qh(string text)
  return replace(text, "<>&"/"", "&lt; &gt; &amp;" / " ");
int _test()
  write("<html><head><title>" + basename(__FILE__) + "</title></head>" + 
	"<body bgcolor=\"#fffffa\" text=\"#000000\"><pre>\n" + 
	decode_colors(encode_colors(qh(Stdio.read_file(__FILE__)), __FILE__+".pike")) +
  return 0;

int main(int ac, array(string) av)
    return _test();

  foreach(av[1..], string filename)
      string tmp;
      if(has_suffix(filename, ".html"))
	  werror("Can't read file: " + filename + " ... skipping\n");
      if(!has_suffix(filename, ".pike")&&!has_suffix(filename, ".pmod")
	 &&!has_suffix(filename, ".c")&&!has_suffix(filename, ".h"))
	{ // make pike the default
	  tmp = decode_colors(encode_colors(qh(tmp), filename+".pike"));
	  tmp = decode_colors(encode_colors(qh(tmp), filename));

      tmp = sprintf(
		    "<html><head><title>rjb's pike code: %s</title>"+
            "<style type=\"text/css\">body{font-size:10pt;}</style></head>" +
		    "<body bgcolor=\"#fffffa\" text=\"#000000\"><pre>\n"+
		    basename(filename), tmp

      if(Stdio.write_file(filename + ".html", tmp)!=sizeof(tmp))
	  werror("Error writing " + filename + ".html !\n");
	  werror("File " + filename + ".html written.\n");
  return 0;